Guji Kercha Wine

CHF 18.00 (Roasted to order)


  • Cultivar: Landrace (Kurume, Wolisho and Dega)
  • Flavor Notes: Red wine, mango, peach, orange blossom
  • Producer: Kercha washing station
  • Farm: Small holder farmers
  • Country: Ethiopia
  • Region: Guji
  • Process: Natural
  • Pack: 250g

This item will be roasted to order.

SKU: ET-GKW-N-24 Categories: , Tags: , , , ,


This grade 1 microlot is from Guji Kercha station in Banko Michicha, Kercha district, Guji zone. The station works with 150 local smallholder farmers who cultivate the local landrace varieties of Kurume, Wolisho and Dega at altitudes ranging between 1,900 and 2,030masl. This lot was processed with extended cherry fermentation in vacuum sealed stainless steel tanks with a fermentation valve to vent off CO2.


Find your desired coffee by flavor in our collection. Larger flavor notes indicate more beans options:

Apple | Bergamot | Blackcurrant | Blend | Brown sugar | Caramel | Cherry | Chocolate | Cinnamon | Citrus | Complex | Dark Chocolate | Earl Grey | Espresso | Floral | Hazelnut | Honey | Jasmine | Lavender | Lemon | Lemongrass | Lychee | Mango | Orange blossom | Peach | Plum | Raisin | Raspberry | Red Apple | Red wine | Rose | SAC24 | Surprise | Sweet | Sweet Tomato | Tea | Vanilla | Vibrant | White Peach

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