Geisha El Placer

CHF 24.00

  • Cultivar: Geisha
  • Flavor Notes: Peach, lemongrass, vanilla, floral
  • Producer: Sebastian Ramirez
  • Farm: Finca El Placer
  • Country: Colombia
  • Region: Quindío
  • Process: White Honey Carbonic Maceration
  • Pack: 100g

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SKU: CO-ELPG-WH-24 Categories: , Tags: , , ,


Finca El Placer, nestled in the verdant heart of Calarcá, Quindío, stands as a testament to Sebastián Ramirez’s dedication to coffee excellence. As a fourth-generation coffee steward, Ramirez has cultivated the land for over a decade, infusing each bean with a legacy of quality. “El Placer,” translating to “The Pleasure,” aptly embodies the experience his coffee delivers. Situated at a lofty elevation of 1744 meters above sea level, this idyllic estate benefits from optimal growing conditions, nurturing the beans to perfection. Ramirez employs a trifecta of processing methods—natural, washed, and honey—ensuring a spectrum of flavors that captivate the palate. However, it’s the crown jewel of El Placer’s repertoire that steals the limelight—the competition-level Geisha White Honey. This varietal, meticulously crafted through innovative techniques and carbonic maceration, emerges as a symbol of the farm’s commitment to pushing boundaries. Moreover, El Placer embraces sustainable farming practices, eschewing herbicides and nurturing soil health to foster robust, flavorful harvests. With every sip, Sebastián Ramirez invites coffee aficionados to embark on a journey of sensory delight, where passion and craftsmanship converge in each exquisite cup.


Find your desired coffee by flavor in our collection. Larger flavor notes indicate more beans options:

Apple | Apricot | Bergamot | Blackcurrant | Blend | Brown sugar | Caramel | Cherry | Chocolate | Cinnamon | Citrus | Cocoa nibs | Date | Earl Grey | Floral | Funky | Greek yogurt | Guava | Hazelnut | Hibiscus | Honey | Jasmine | Lemon | Lemongrass | Lemon Ice Tea | Mandarin | Marzipan | Molasses | Papaya | Peach | Pineapple | Pomegranate | Raisin | Raspberry | Red fruits | Red grape | Sirupy | Stone Fruit | Strawberry | Surprise | Sweet Tomato | Tea | Tropical fruits | Vanilla | White Grape

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